Best Wooden
In addition best teak wood from forestry, teak in Indonesia also obtained a lot of people's forests or plantations planted by residents. Price teak expensive and relatively easy to make this wood planted by residents. Teak in this population usually can be obtained at a cheaper price, quality below average quality teak wood from jungle.If you want to buy wood you must know how to choose wood that is good and right. Because one little in choosing the wood can be fatal. So this time I will give you tips and tricks in choosing wood so you do not lose money later.
Best Wooden First
all you have to do:
Check and make sure the timber you want to buy straight condition is not bent.
Note the entire logs of the side and sticks, do not have the slightest hole in the wood. If there is a puncture hole when the disposable stick, then you do not select it. because can be sure in his hollow.
Do not choose a cracked wooden edges. because if you are splitting the wood to make wood split.
Do not choose a timber that is bulging. because it could possibly be hollow inside.
Make sure the timber you buy has a letter - a letter full.
Wood is a material that is almost certainly used every going to build a house. Or wood is also often used as furniture products used for home furnishing. Therefore, when they want to buy wood, either home or construction of furniture, to be able to understand the quality of the wood itself. Sometimes we just handed the artisan, when builders and even then not necessarily understand well, then you should have to learn yourself to understand the quality of wood that will we use.
furniture of teak wood furniture teak wood for home furnishings
Best Wooden Selection of wood for home construction
If we build a house, then learn the construction is a top priority. Which is what will make the construction of the house we could last a long time or not. Therefore, when we choose the wood for the construction of houses should we choose a timber that is strong, tough and water resistant as well as termites. To choose a good wood, we can look for information on the internet or people who are already experienced. Wood for home construction typically uses teak, sengon sea, Borneo, or jackfruit wood. It also can use any other wood, the origin is strong and durable. To avoid termites eat wood can read tips to keep the wood from termite attack.Selection of wood for home furnishings
In the selection of wood for home furnishings, there are several factors that must be considered. The wood is used for furniture home furnishings are, teak, mahogany, and sono rivet. The timber will have a fairly good quality and has a beautiful grain. To find the wood that can be used, can be seen from the shape and size of trees large and strong. Then a good timber also pick the colors are bright, fresh and not perforated, would be different if the color looks raw wood, then we can be sure the timber is not old well and will not be durable if it is used to make furniture furniture. In addition the level of moisture and humidity must also be considered. Download Good wood is wood that is old and dry. If just finished cut, then certainly the high water content. Therefore we can dry it by heating or aerated under the sun. Or if you want fast, then we can ask for help Services Wood Oven to dry.Wood is a material that is sure to be used in any home or as furniture that complements the entire state of the house. Therefore, when you buy wood whether in the context of a buffer or furniture, you should focus on the quality of wood in traded. Sometimes if you rush - rush to decide, you will not get the quality of wood is desired.
In shape and size of trees that either has a bright color, fresh and stand out, be different if the wood looks rather have a dark color and shape is beginning to change. Wood types that you need to avoid. The moisture level of a timber is also worth your account. Hold the timber with your hand and feel, then you will know that the wood was wet or not. The more the moisture level of a tall timber, the timber will be easy to brittle. Usually the solution to overcome this problem is to dry until the moisture level back to normal. The last one to choose a good timber that can be detected from the resulting odor. Of course, the smell of the wood is still very typical and slightly pungent. This type of timber is a timber that can be confirmed in the new and old have not been stored in the warehouse.
So a few tips on how to choose a timber that is good and right for the needs of your home. May be useful.
Similarly, a few tips for choose good wood in the furniture manufacturing furniture furniture from wood. Hope can be a science lesson in furniture manufacture of furniture So a little advice from me what I can tell, may be useful for the reader as well.
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